2013年9月22日 星期日

中國網友對OMG的看法 Chinese public's view on the OMG players

source: reddit
題外話:聽說faker從來都不用skin never (from reddit)


Being a Chinese, I have paid a lot of my attention in Chinese LPL. I also read a lot of others' comments in baidu tieba which is kinda like the reddit here.
Since I feel like a lot of the redditors are not familiar with the Chinese teams as they are with Korean teams, I would like to give the general view that the Chinese community think about OMG.


OMG is definitely the powerhouse for most people after their win over PE (IG third and WE fourth) during the LPL Spring Playoffs. They were once a pretty weak team in LPL, but they have improved a lot with the same roster.


Cool , as everyone knows he is the MVP of LPL, was pretty famous when he was standing at the top of the ranked soloque in China. (WE Caomei is also known as the king of soloque there) Cool has a huge pool of champions, he once pulled out mid Nami in which I believe is just for experiment.

Cool, LPL的MVP。(中)國服第一,口袋英雄很多,甚至有次使用過娜米中路!


Gogoing is always being made fun of saying he is the boss or like the big bro of OMG gang because of a picture they took. In China, the community thinks that he is on par of PDD's level. He makes plays and he is very consistent. He is known for his Renekton and Ryze top lane. While the community do not really think his Kennen is that good, he did use him a couple times in Los Angeles.

Gogoing, 在OMG裡因為某張照片被戲稱為隊伍裡的大哥。

Lovelin was OMG's support until the 4th week during the summer LPL (correct me if I am wrong). While Madlife is known as a god all over the world, our chinese community does think that Lovelin is at madlife's level. Thats why a lot of us wanted Lovelin over IG's Xiaoxiao to represent Chinese region for the Allstar game. Lovelin's understanding of the game and meta makes him such a good player that adapted very quickly at the role of Jungle.

Lovelin, 之前是OMG的SUP(一直到LPL夏季賽)

San, the captain of OMG, to be honest, surprises me a bit for his performance. He is not even regarded as the top tier ADCs in China (Royal Uzi surely is the best, then there comes WE Weixiao and PE Namei).

老實說他的表現讓我十分驚訝,他不算是中國的一線AD(Uzi 第一接下來是Weixiao和Namei)

There is one interesting story I heard from the others about San. China's League has many servers. Ionia is known as the server that has all the highly skilled players (this also made Ionia become the famous ones for the community). San was back then playing in a less known server and achieved high elo (~2400). Then somebody asked him to play at Ionia to prove himself and he did become as one of the top 10 soloque players in China.


Bigpomelo, as I know, is a good friend of WE jungler Clearlove/Troll. Bigpomelo changed to support and is known as a more defensive support.

Bigpomelo,是WE JG Clearlove的好友。 換打SUP,是一個防守型SUP

Coma, well, the community doesn't know much about this guy. But he was a SC pro before.
I am just a small fan of OMG, correct me if there is any mistake. Hope you guys would start to watch more OMG. Also, I will be more than happy to discuss anything about the Chinese scene. Thanks :)


作者只是個小小的OMG粉,有可能有錯 還請多包涵

